While customers are merely one click away online, reaching them isn't enough. Remember that Internet users are bombarded with at least 3,000 ads every day. That number is huge, which means the competition for your potential customers' attention is stiff, and your business marketing campaigns may not be sufficient.
Additionally, Internet users are savvier than before. So if you want to boost your sales, you need to connect with your target demographic in new ways, give them control over your customer-seller relationship, capture their interest, and slowly lead them toward a conversion.
The interactivity of the web makes conversion fast. However, converting a prospective buyer online isn't that easy. Online users are easily distracted, and they have high standards. Within seconds, they can decide to go to another website if the one they are visiting doesn't meet their needs.
On that note, how can you minimize the odds of your potential customer leaving your website and maximize the chances that they will buy from you?
Optimize your landing page.
A landing page is a web page that a visitor arrives at after clicking on a hyperlink or banner advertisement. The objective of a landing page is to convert the visitor into a customer.
Your landing page is the first thing potential customers see when they visit your website. Know that there's only a moment to be noticed by your potential customers. Studies show that it takes less than two-tenths of a second for someone to form an opinion about a website. So, either you're trusted or busted.
That's why it's essential that you have well-optimized landing pages. How can you make sure that your landing page is as effective as possible? Here are some tips:
Be clear about what you're offering.
Your headline should communicate the value proposition of your product or service. Don't make visitors guess what it is you do. For example, "Finally! A New Way To Rank #1 On Google In 90 Days or Less" or "Get The Best Deals On Vacation Rentals - Guaranteed!".
Make your headline stand out. Use strong verbs and attention-grabbing adjectives in your headline to make it stand out from the rest of the text on the page.
Include a clear call to action.
Your call to action should be easy to find and understand. Place it above the fold and make it large and in charge. For example, "Download Our Free Ebook Now!" or "Get Started Now!".
Make sure your page loads quickly.
As mentioned, your website has one or two seconds to get judged. That's why it should be designed for speed. A fast website is essential to engage visitors and ensure they don't leave before completing the desired action, whether it's making a purchase or subscribing to a mailing list. Many online users leave a site before the element has even loaded, so it's important that your web pages are light and quick to download.
Credible websites are successful in converting visitors into buyers. So, make sure your website is designed by professionals to give your business the best chance at success. We can help you with that. We are a digital marketing agency based in Los Angeles that specializes in website design and development.
Qualify leads upfront.
Qualifying leads upfront can save a lot of time and money. By qualifying leads, you are able to determine whether or not they are actually interested in what you have to offer. This way, you are not wasting your time or the potential customer's time by providing them with information that they are not interested in.
It also helps weed out the "tire kickers" - people who are not actually interested in making a purchase but are just looking around. When you know who your actual leads are, you can focus your time and efforts on them and ensure that you are not wasting either of your resources.
Lead qualification is essential in any sales process—make sure that you do it upfront to save yourself time and hassle down the road!
There are multiple ways you can qualify your leads, and these include:
- Surveys, quizzes, and questionnaires
- Live chat and chatbots
- Interviews
- Quick opt-in forms
- Free trials or consultations
With the help of these methods, you can qualify your leads in a way that is best suited for your business and your potential customers.
Make Website Navigation Easy.
Internet users hate websites that are difficult to navigate. If they can't find what they're looking for, they'll leave your site and find an easier website to use. That's why it's important to make sure your website is easy to navigate.
Your website design should enable customers to go where they want to as easily and quickly as possible. And with a minimum number of clicks. Avoid using complex business jargon because it will only make it harder for users to find their way around. Plus, they may not understand them.
Instead, feature an integrated navigation design that uses easy-to-understand language and links to the most popular areas of your website. Write benefit-oriented, compelling link text to encourage users to click through to the pages you want them to see.
Use a logical hierarchy and site maps to help orient site visitors. You can also use breadcrumbs to show users where they are on your site and how they got there.
Build email marketing funnels.
Another way to maximize conversion rates on your website is to build email marketing funnels. Email marketing funnels allow you to capture the email addresses of your website visitors and then market to them over a period of time. It can result in higher conversion rates and more sales for your business.
There are several different email marketing funnels that you can use on your website. The most common type is the opt-in funnel. This funnel requires visitors to provide their email addresses to receive content or offers from your business.
Another type of funnel is the lead nurturing funnel. This funnel is used to gradually introduce new leads to your business and convert them into customers over time. It does this by providing relevant content and offers to leads over a few weeks or months.
There's also the sales funnel. This funnel is designed to sell products or services to leads directly. It typically includes a series of email messages that include a call to action to purchase a product or service.
Include Calls to Action and Appealing Offers.
Generally, your offer is a call to action. You're asking your potential customers to act: to sign up or purchase. Well-written offers are what turn a casual browser into a paying customer.
For example, an effective offer for a fitness app maybe something like, "Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks!" or "Get fit and toned without leaving your home!" These types of offers are specific, time-sensitive, and appeal to the customer's sense of self-improvement.
Or, if you're an e-commerce site, your offer might be a discount on your products or free shipping. Whatever your offer is, make sure it's enticing and relevant to your target audience.
CTAs are essential for converting leads into customers. Without a CTA, your offer is just something to read—not something to act on. So make sure your offer includes a clear, concise CTA that tells the customer what to do next.
Use more video content or run webinars.
Video content and webinars are both great mediums for maximizing conversion rates. By providing potential customers with engaging and informative videos or hosting interactive webinars, businesses can introduce their products or services more personally while also providing valuable information.
There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to video content. First, make sure the videos are high-quality and offer value to the viewer. Secondly, ensure that the videos are optimized for SEO (search engine optimization) to appear prominently in search results. And finally, don't forget to promote the videos through social media and email marketing campaigns.
Webinars provide a similar opportunity to engage with potential customers and build trust and credibility. But in addition to offering valuable information, webinars also allow businesses to sell their products or services directly to attendees.
To maximize conversion rates, businesses should promote their webinars through targeted marketing campaigns and provide attendees with a compelling reason to buy.
For example, businesses could offer a discount to webinar attendees or provide a free trial of their product or service. By offering an incentive, businesses can increase viewers' likelihood of taking action after watching the webinar.
Give Important Content the Best Placement.
The placement of your content is important. High-value content should be given the best placement on your page so that it is the first thing that users see when they arrive.
According to studies, users look at websites in an F-shaped pattern. Meaning they tend to scan the top and left sides of a website page before anything else.
Consider using this pattern to your advantage by placing your most important content in these areas. Additionally, you should break up your content into smaller paragraphs and sections. Doing so will make it easier for users to scan and digest the information.
Some other tips for content placement include:
- Use negative space to draw attention to specific content
- Use images and videos to break up text
- Use headlines, subheadlines, and bullet points
Small businesses can get started on their website optimization journey by following these seven easy tips. By making a few small changes to your website, you could see a big increase in your conversion rates. So what are you waiting for? Start optimizing your small business website today!
Need help getting started in your business growth journey?
Contact us, a local digital marketing company. We offer different local digital marketing services that can help your business grow and make the most out of your marketing efforts or marketing strategies, from digital marketing, conversion rate optimization, social media marketing, digital advertising, mobile optimization, SEO marketing, content marketing, and more.